Saturday, September 14, 2013

energy crisis

An energy crisis is any great supply of energy resources to an economy. In popular literature though, it often refers to one of the energy sources used at a certain time and place, particularly those that supply national electricity grids or serve as fuel for vehicles. There has been an enormous increase in the global demand for energy in recent years as a result of industrial development and population growth. Since the early 2000s the demand for energy, especially from liquid fuels, and limits on the rate of fuel production has created such a bottleneck leading to the current energy crisis.
Today's world is rhe enargy dependent life sustaining mass.All the energy resources we uses are in the verge of extinction and upcoming fututre in danger.

Coal, nuclear and hydro are used primarily to make electricity. Natural gas is widely used for heating. Biomass, which usually means wood or dried dung, is used for heating and cooking. The red sliver is wind and solar power, primarily. The red sliver may be small, but it is the future because wind and solar power are sustainable.

Over use of these resources causes these types of crisis.
Because of our numbers and our technology, we humans greatly influence the ecology of Earth. We humans, qualified or not, are at the controls. Earth does not come with an operating manual. We humans need to look to science to create one.

The coming era of limited and expensive energy will be very difficult for everyone on Earth but it will be even more difficult if it is not anticipated. It is of utmost importance that the public and especially policymakers understand the global energy crisis and the underlying science.

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